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Week Three -Jeremy Herr

Journaling Questions for Message #3 “Playing the Long Game," with Jeremy Herr


Before you begin journaling, we’d like to make an important point that should put you at ease. Although there are a lot of questions in the following material, the goal is NOT to answer every question! Rather, the goal is to HEAR what God is telling you through Jeremy's message, then take steps of faithful OBEDIENCE in what God said to you. The questions below are designed merely to help you arrive at this ultimate goal. So, begin your journaling by asking God the Holy Spirit to stir and illuminate your heart and mind, then answer ONLY the questions He stirs within you that will help you hear and obey Him. You may want to read through all of the questions before you begin to write.


Jeremy referenced how our culture wants to accomplish things quicker and see results faster, and how this mentality permeates almost everything we do. Why do you think leaders get caught up in this cycle?



  • What was your reaction to Jeremy’s statement, “If we don’t ‘play the long game’, it’s over!”

  • In order to be committed to “the long game of disciple-making,” what are you currently doing that you need to reduce, eliminate, or delegate in order for you to have the availability to be a disciple-maker?

  • What are some missing components related to disciple-making (playing the long game) that are needed in your ministry?



  • Reflect back on those individuals who poured into your life in a meaningful way. What specifically did they do that impacted you profoundly?


Jeremy identified two characteristics Timothy had that made him a good disciple: (1) a willingness to be available to follow Paul (Timothy rearranged his priorities/agenda to be with Paul), and (2) a willingness to obey instructions (be circumcised). 

  • What other characteristics of a good disciple can you identify from Scripture? (List as many as you can.)

  • Identify the top 6–8 characteristics you are looking for in those you might want to disciple. 

  • After a time of prayer and reflection, brainstorm a list of individuals who have the characteristics you identified, then narrow the list down to 2–3 individuals that you think God might want you to call into a deeper relationship with you, individuals you can invest your life in.

  • Create an action-plan to contact these individuals in the near future to see if they might want to enter into a disciple-making relationship with you.



Jeremy noted how easy it is for all of us to become busy and overwhelmed, but also emphasized how important it is for us as leaders to be on the journey ourselves in our relationship with Jesus. 

  • What is overwhelming you in your life currently?

  • How are you personally experiencing the intimacy of Jesus Christ? 

  • How does an ongoing relationship with Jesus help you in disciple-making?

Jeremy pointed out that disciple-making is not just about transmitting information.

  • What are five ways you can do life together with someone you desire to disciple?

  • If you are currently discipling someone, how are you allowing them to see your faith, sufferings, struggles, and wounds? How are you being vulnerable with them?

According to Jeremy, “Impatience is the enemy of disciple-making.”

  • How is impatience creeping into your life? (Who? Where? When?)

Jeremy talked about how his mentor allowed him to oversee a segment of his ministry, just as Paul gave Timothy ministry responsibilities (it’s important to note that these responsibilities involved relationships, not just administrative tasks).

  • What would it look like for you to give some of your ministry responsibilities that involve people/relationships to someone you are discipling? Be aware that this will NOT free up your time, just the opposite: it will take MORE of your time to journey with them as they take on these new responsibilities (the “you watch me do it, you help me do it, I help you do it, I watch you do it” process).

  • Knowing that the type of delegation just described will require more of your time and attention, what are you currently doing that you will need to reduce, eliminate, or delegate to enable you to make this type of investment in the individual(s) you are discipling?




  • How is the disciple-making process a mutual learning experience?

  • What are you currently learning from those you are discipling?

  • What would you like your disciple-making life to look like 10 years from now?

  • What great disciple-making story do you have that you could share with others on the benefits of disciple-making?

  • What is your  greatest need in your current  ministry?  

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