Scott has been serving in pastoral ministry since 1983, training and equipping thousands of leaders with his focus on leadership and disciplemaking. It’s with this passion he founded Ministry Coaching, Multiplying Disciples Inc. (MCMD) in June 2010. As president, he oversees the vision and he lives out the mission–developing healthy leaders and ministries (Luke 6:39-40).
Prior to launching MCMD, Scott served on staff with four churches and one para-church ministry, each ministry drastically different from one another. Scott has served in small & midsize congregational churches, as well as mega churches. He has the ability to see ministry from many different perspectives, including a church plant. He has been a close confidant to many top leaders from all walks of life.
Scott’s greatest enthusiasm comes, not from what he has done, but what the Lord has done in his life. One of his favorite scriptures is Romans 11:36 “From Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever. Amen.”
Scott received his pastoral and theological training from Grace Bible College in Grand Rapids, MI. and his Masters in Business, specializing in Organization and Leadership Development, from Cornerstone University.
Scott and DeeDee have been married since 1986, raised three children, and reside in Bath, MI.