The Apostle Peter teaches elders in the church to "shepherd the flock of God among you". At our latest MCMD staff meeting, Scott Rolff challenged us with Peter's words on shepherding (1 Peter 5:1-5). This verse caused an introspection on "who is the flock among me?" Who is God bringing into our lives for a reason or even for a season? Moving to a new area has brought many new people into our lives.
A shepherd is a common occupation in Scripture. In Psalm 23, David sings that the Lord is our Shepherd. Peter refers to Jesus as the Chief Shepherd in 1 Peter 5. The Apostle Paul challenges ministry leaders to "pay attention to the whole flock" and "care for the church of God" in Acts 20.
God is showing me how those who live near me are who He is calling me to shepherd. God is teaching me to "love my neighbor." Jesus loves children and permitted the little children to come to him. This truth has been evident in the past few months, as conversations and relationships with men and women in the neighborhood have begun as a result of their children using our yard as the neighborhood ball field and meeting spot.
Who is God calling you to shepherd?
The flock among you may be your own children. It could be your neighbors or the kids in the neighborhood. Maybe it is the elderly in your care or your co-workers seeking a relationship with Christ. What does it look like to intentionally love and care for "your neighbor?"